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Archivio Io Suono Italiano ?     archivio dal tango alla musica caraibica

Are you from Veneto? This is even worse!

The stay in Comelico (see post below) was not the first visit in the Cadore area of Veneto. A few days ago the camper had stopped here before reaching the Trentino Alto Adige (see post: Music among the clouds). The pretext was to know Andrea da Cortà who I knew only by phone so far (I have dozens of contacts throughout the Italian territory that provide me valuable information on our musical heritage but I know only their voice, I can only imagine their face).
Andrea did not like the idea that my visit was unsuccessful in terms of documentation. He didn’t want me to leave without a recording of a musician from Veneto. I remember one day he warned me that a stranger with a recorder is not really welcomed in this area. I told him that I’m also from Veneto Region. His answer was blunt as much as surprising : “This is even worse”.
Against any expectations, Andrea manages to get a positive answer from a gentleman who plays the mandolin in Foppa di Forno di Zoldo. He cannot even believe. It is a very cold Monday and the snow is at least a meter and a half along roadsides.
At our arrival Arnoldo Alessio is waiting outside ... he is also waiting for two of his musicians friends, an accordionist and a guitarist. He warned me informing that absolutely the guitarist doesn’t want to be recorded or filmed. I think that this is not a problem “at least I can listen to him”. We kill the time with a good wine served with cheese. ... he speaks in dialect and even if I’m from Veneto region I cannot understand a word. Andrea, who lives a few kilometres away (Pieve di Cadore) understands but not everything. It's amazing how in Italy the dialects are so radically different between villages that are so close one to the other.
When the group is complete and the ice is broken, we move to the lower floors and the three musicians show all their repertoire ranging from traditional Venetian song to the Italian more nationalized one. Andrea, with his organ, and me start playing with them. I dare to take out the recording tools. I look at the guitarist like a dog looks at his owner after committing a damage. He thinks for a while and then says "All right then!, No problem, let’s make an exception to the rule."

When we finish it is late in the night. Andrea and me we are super satisfied, the three musicians friends also. We leave each other with great mutual admiration and with the certainty that the good intentions and humility, sealed by making music, are able to standardize the multitudes and break down any mental preconceptions.
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Lovely content, Reg...
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e veramente stupendo...
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Ciao Nicola, grazie ...
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