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Italians romantic people

Two Serenades in Abruzzo and Sardinia
Abruzzo and Sardinia are certainly the most romantic regions I've found so far. The route of Il Cammino della Musica has crossed two similar episodes in these two regions that are not so similar. Moreover it was known that the entire Italy is inhabited by a nation of romantics, but in the province of Teramo and Nuoro, a few days before celebrating the wedding, the couple enlists a group of musicians of the area to have their serenade, as per tradition. A sort of bachelor party that has anything to do with striptease, transgressions, stay up all night, even if in reality, after the serenade, it is usual to feast until late hours. The first opportunity is dated 21st of May when, just arrived in Abruzzo land with the camper that was nearly dashing a roofing, I’m welcomed by Gianfranco Spitilli (www.bambun.webnode.com) who once again gives me a wonderful opportunity to learn about the traditions of Abruzzo. The meeting is at the house of Valentino, an historical cantor of Poggio delle Rose, who is preparing his voice before reaching the house of the bride and perform the ritual together with the rest of the "partenzisti" (people departing). Here the serenade is called "departure", as the wife who leaves the family home for the wedding nest. This is a song whose words are those of a mother going back in the memories of all the moments spent together with her daughter until the time of "leaving" her to a life as wife.
After the "trials", miraculously intercepted by the live call ofRadio Ciromathat offered this moment to its listeners, we move to the house of the lucky bride who is waiting on the balcony of the family home. A group of friends and relatives invited to the wedding is waiting for the arrival of the musicians in a great silence. This waiting time is really exciting, all around you can hear just the steps of musicians and song of the crickets. So the departure begins and it will last for more than 25 minutes. On the balcony the bride moves and on the “stalls” some of her friends laps into a flood of tears.

When the ritual ends, the bride goes down, then the bridegroom and parents appear and some specific songs are dedicated also to them, then the feast begins. Valentino tells me that usually the departure should be done the day before marriage as he did with his two daughters, but many people prefer to keep this day for final preparations not risking to get too tired at the altar. So they do it the Thursday before the marriage, because they say Friday is an unlucky day.
A few days after my arrival in Sardinia it comes the second opportunity to take part in a beautiful serenade. This time I am in Nuoro and the group "Sos Canarjos" (www.soscanarjos.it) was called to pay homage to a young married couple. The ritual is more or less the same, but the location unlike the one in Abruzzo is the concrete courtyard of a district of Nuoro, in the very center of the city. It is quite difficult to see the bride overlooking from the balcony of a very high palace. The song you can listen in the video is called Non potho reposare” (Sini–Rachel). Bobore, the director of the historical group, tells me that this song is the emblem of the serenade, they are the words dedicated by the lover to the damsel. It would consist of fourty strophes but the singers prefer to use only the most significant and then have fun with other songs. Even in Nuoro, there were tears and emotions but then a lot of dancing and fun. Thus my trip to Sardinia begins...
Thanks to: Gianfranco Spitilli, Valentino, Roberto Spennak and the partenzisti, Radio Ciroma, Paolo and Bobore of Sos Canarjos and the Sos Canarjos all, the two married couples to whom I whish an happy and prosperous life together.
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