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Report CUBA: Buena Vista Social Club- The heirs of Compay Segundo

IN A TRIP TO CUBA whatever the reason for the trip, it's inevitable not to remember one of the most known Cuban musicians  in the world, whose fame is related to a film that made an entire generation dream.  The film is entitled Buena Vista Social Club (Wim Wenders 1999) and the main protagonist was Maximo Francisco Repilado Muņoz, known as Compay Segundo, the Cuban old man with a cigar in his mouth and music in his blood, who became,with his group, one of the icons of Cuban music thanks to this film. VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL - VERSIONE IN ITALIANO

THE IMMORTALITY OF A MYTH: his death in 2003 made his image and some of his songs, like "Chan Chan" and "Las flores de la vida",  immortal.

Today it is the "Grupo compay Segundo" whose leader is Salvador Repilado,  Compay Segundo's youngest son that continues his music and fame...

BACKGROUND: I got to know them in Italy when I was working for the group who was on an Italian tour. At the time the project was managed by my guitar teacher Massimo Scattolin, who together with other musicians and the collaboration of various Italian Symphonic orchestras, compiled/realized the cd "100 aņos Compay" (Indiewizard 2008).


: some of the musicians come from the old group, like the clarinetist RAFAEL INCIARTE; I met him in the barrio where he lives, in Cohimar, in the south of La Habana, and thanks to him I could live unforgettable moments with the "Trio Heming". As well as Rafael Inciarte, also Haskell Harmentero at the clarinet, Hugo Garzòn as main singer/t the first voice, Rafael Fournier at the percussions, are part of the "old" group. I met Salvador Repilado in his luxury villa in a beautiful barrio in La Habana.

THE CUBAN DREAM:  it has been a strong emotion to meet my Cuban friends in their home, in their magic Cuba. It's here that you can understand why this music attracts thousands of amateurs and music lovers. Here, where the atmosphere is immune to the erosion of time. Recently I saw  the film "Wim Wenders" again and I found in it the same Cuba I found in my trip. The light, the means of transportation, the atmospheres, the colors and the ideas are unchanged and unique ingredients. Magic and at the same time paradox of this beautiful country..

THANKS: Salvador Repilado,  Grupo Compay Segundo, all the staff of "Casa Compay Segundo, Massimo Scattolin( Indiewizard).

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e veramente stupendo...
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Ciao,la canzone del ...
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Ciao Nicola, grazie ...
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